L’arancio scanalato a fuoco su di te – Focus upon you by orange groove

Bower Lewis ci descrive una donna con lo sguardo fisso sulle proprie unghie, tinte d’arancione agli angoli. Allora, lei giudica: < Preferisco “combattere” qualcuno che mi confonde, anziché parlargli >. L’arancio sembra percepibile “scaldando” a ridosso del rosso, fissato come “angolare”. Farrah posa di ¾, mediante il piano americano. Lei porta l’abito lungo, interamente arancione. A destra, il palo di legno ha una chiazza alquanto “sanguigna”! Il braccio sinistro cerca un appoggio, ma la sua mano potrebbe “salutare”. Farrah s’è colorata le unghie col celeste. Esclusa la “falsa mano” sul palo, forse a testimonianza d’una “lotta”, questa fotografia pare molto riposante da percepire. L’espressione del viso in Farrah è gentile.

Bower Lewis describes to us a woman who stares down at her fingernails, tinged with orange in the corners. So, she considers: < I prefer to “fight” against somebody who confuses me, instead of talking to him >. We could perceive the orange “heating” just before the red, stared at its “angles”. Farrah poses in ¾ view, through a cow-boy shot. She wears a long dress, entirely orange. On the right, the wooden pole has a stain very “sanguineous”! The left arm tries to lean on, but her hand could “say hello”! Farrah painted the nails with the pale blue. If we exclude the “false hand” on the pole, maybe as proof of a “fight”, this photography seems very relaxing for its perception. The facial expression in Farrah is kind.
















Bibliografia consultata – Annotated bibliography:

B. LEWIS, Patience, my dear, Infinite Words, Largo 2015, pp. 152-153




Nota biografica sugli artisti recensiti – Biographical sketch about the two artists:



L’attrice Farrah Wase-Bailey nasce nel 1992 in Inghilterra, ma ha origini per metà francesi. Lei studiò Politica al King’s College London, e Finanza allo Hult International Business School. Tra i film in cui Farrah ha recitato, ci ricordiamo Christmas Eve, Three dots and a dash, Animalia (tutti girati nel 2017).

The actress Farrah Wase-Bailey was born in 1992 in England, but being half French. She studied Politics at King’s College London, and Finance at Hult International Business School. We can remember these movies where Farrah acted: Christmas Eve, Three dots and a dash, Animalia (all of them filmed in 2017).




La fotografa americana Margot Hartford vive a San Francisco. Lei s’è specializzata nei ritratti e nell’interior design (per book personali, giornali, siti internet). Margot riceve inviti per scattare in residenze molto belle: dalla Bay Area di San Francisco a Toronto, ma pure in Europa (specialmente in Olanda). A lei è sempre piaciuto il design. Spesso, Margot combina le sue fotografie in collages, mediante carta e pittura. Lei insegna anche la tecnica della cera ad encausto.

The American photographer Margot Hartford lives in San Francisco. She is specialized in portraits and interior design (for personal books, magazines, internet sites). Margot is often invited to shoot in very beautiful residences: from San Francisco Bay Area to Toronto, but also in Europe (especially in The Netherlands). She has always liked the design. Often, Margot combines her photographs in collages, with paper and paint. She also teaches the technique of encaustic wax.





Nota biografica supplementare – Additional note in biography:


La fashion stylist Jane Marle (che ha lavorato in questa fotografia) nasce a Parigi. Esteticamente, a lei interessa essere sempre creativa, versatile ed originale.

The fashion stylist Jane Marle (who worked in this photography) was born in Paris. Aesthetically, she is interested in being always creative, versatile and original.


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